Monday, April 4, 2011

April 2011

April 29, 2011
Class activities- Review southern & eastern Africa map; Ch. 20 review
Handouts- none
Homework- study for Ch. 20 test (learning targets & map); test is Mon. May 2; study session @ 7:15 a.m.

April 28, 2011
Class activities- work on museum exhibit scripts; work on current event in google doc; study southern & eastern Africa map; read Africa blog & article
Handouts- none
Homework- study for Ch. 20 test (Mon)- review Ch. 20 LT on google doc & study southern & eastern Africa map; museum exhibit skit due tomorrow

April 27, 2011
Class activities- Ch. 21 intro & section 1 LT; work on museum exhibit script & discuss feedback w/ Mrs. Parr; work on current event for Africa country you have been following
Handouts- none
Homework- museum exhibit script in google doc you have been using (due Fri)
Africa current event (due Wed. May 4)

April 26, 2011
Class activities- finish Ch. 19 test corrections; Africa land disputes article
Handouts- Africa land disputes article
Homework- museum exhibit script in google doc you have been using (due Fri)

April 25, 2011
Class acitivities- explain museum exhibit script; Ch. 20 review in text; share Ch. 20google doc assignment; work on Ch. 19 test corrections
Handouts- Ch. 21 LTargets; Ch. 19 test correction sheet
Homework- musem exhibit script in google doc you have been using (due Fri)

April, 22, 2010
No School (see homework for April 21)

April 21, 2011
Class activities- Ch. 20 "Guiding Qs" LTs; finish Eastern & Southern Africa map; Imperialism draft; Ch. 20 Review Qs in text
Homework- Ch. 20 LT on google doc due Monday

April 20, 2011
Class activities- Ch. 20-3 LT; divide 20-3 LT up on google doc assignment due Monday April 25; turn in Ch. 20-3 FA; Imperialism Draft
Handouts- East & Southern Africa map
Homework- Ch. 20 LT on google doc (get it done tonight so you don't have hmwk over the holiday weekend)

April 19, 2011
Class activities- Ch. 20-3 concept map; Ch. 20-3 video clips; Ch. 20-3 GR wkst.
Handouts- none
Homework- due tomorrow: create rough draft of exhibit (2 rooms per person)in google doc you have been using for research

April 18, 2011
Class activities- Ch. 20-2 LT; Mansa Musa/Timbuktu clip; Ch. 20-2 FA; discuss museum exhibit rough draft
Handouts- none
Homework- due Wed. in google doc (the same one you used for research): create a rough draft of your exhibit (what will each room look like & include)

April 15, 2011
Class activities- Ch. 20-1 LT; Ch. 20-2 FA; Mansa Musa cartoon; take Western & Central AFrica map test
Homework- google doc research for museum exhibit due Mon. & share w/ Mrs. Parr (I need to be able to edit it); put your research in one color of text w/ your name after it

April 14, 2011
Class activities- Ch. 20-1 Guided Reading activity; Ch. 20-1 practice quiz; Ch. 20-1 FA
Handouts- none
Homework-do research in google doc for museum exhibit & share w/ Mrs. Parr (due Mon)
study for Central & Western AFrica map test (test is tomorrow)

April 13, 2011
Class activities- explain museum exhibit assignment; Time Capsule; intro Ch. 20; read Ch. 20-1 & start LT; current events
Handouts- museum exhibit sheet w/ rubric; Ch. 20 LTs
Homework- study for western & central AFrica map test & research museum topic

April 12, 2011
Ch. 19 Test
7:15 a.m. study session
Class activities- current events; take Ch. 19 Test
Handouts- none
Homework- study Western & Central Africa map (test Friday)

April 11, 2011
Class activities- Ch. 19 Guided Questions; Slaves to Chocolate article; Ch. 19 review in text; label West & Central Africa map
Handouts- W. & Central AFrica map
Homework- study for Africa map test (suggestions: review LT you haven't mastered; review Qs at end of each section in text; review text; practice ch. review in text; review google doc)

April 8, 2011
Class activities- finish Ch. 19 table; present Ch. 19 google doc; child slavery in Africa
Handouts- none
Homework- none

April 7, 2011
Class activities- take Northern & Physical Africa map test; collect Q3 reflections; Great Rift Valley article; Ch. 19-3 LT
Handouts- Great Rift Valley article
Homework- 19-3 LT & proofreaders portion of google doc due tomorrow; current event in google doc due tomorrow for all students

April 6, 2011
Class activities- review Ch. 19-2; 19-2 table; correct 19-2 LT; 19-2 FA
Handouts- none
Homework- Q3 reflection due tomorrow; Northern & physical Africa map test tomorrow; Ch. 19-1 & 19-2 Google doc (for some students) due tomorrow

April 5, 2011
Class activities- Ch. 19-1 LT; google earth tour of Africa; Ch. 19-2 think tank; explain Ch. 19 LT google doc; 3rd Q Reflection
Handouts- 3rd Q reflection
Homework- 3rd Q reflection due Thurs.; Ch. 19 LT google doc due Thurs for some groups; Africa map test Thurs; Fri. current event entry due on google doc

April 4, 2011
Class activities- Ch. 19-1 GR wkst. & table; 19-1 text Qs; 19-1 FA; organize folders
Handouts- Ch. 19-1 GR wkst.
Homework- study for Africa map test (test is Thurs) & do current events entry on google doc (due Fri)

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